Monday, February 4, 2008


1. Which states in the region shown on the map began to integrate their public schools in the year of the Brown v. Board of Education decision? (Do not count the District of Columbia.)

Montanna, Texas, Arkansas, West Virgina, Maryland, and Delware.

2. In which states did school desegregation not begin until the 1960s?

Louissiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina.

3. What generalization can you make about the relationship between the time a state began the desegregation process and the degree of integration of its schools in 1964?

The earlier a state desegrgated its schools is had a higher percent of African American students in desgregated schools.

Which state is a glaring exception to that trend?


4. In which states were 30 to 60 percent of African-American students in integrated schools?

Montanna, Oklahoma, Maryland, and Delware.

5. In which states was the percentage of African-American students in integrated schools less than the region’s average?

Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, and South Carolina.

6. Which five of the states you listed for question 5 had percentages the farthest below the regional average?


How might the economic and social history of those five states have led to a resistance to desegregation?

These states had a huge problem with descrimination and were very anti-desegregation. They wanted to keep things like sharecropping, in order to have cheap labor to produce cotton or other farm grown materials

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