Thursday, November 15, 2007

Chapter 20, section 1 critical thinking #3

Do you think Americans were justified in their fear of radicals and foreigners in the decade following World War I? Explain your answer. Think About:
• the goals of the leaders of the Russian Revolution
• the challenges facing the United States

I think the Americans were justified in their fears of radicals and foreigners in the decade following World War I. They were justified in this because of the goals of the leaders of the Russian Revolution and also because of the challenges that were being faced in the US. The leaders of the Russian Revolution was threatening to the way of life for Americans. Vladimir I Lenin was a Communist who wanted to abolish capitalism everywhere. Lenin along with the Bolsheviks wanted a world wide revolution which would lead to the world having capitalism. The communist party The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) sent bombs out to government officials and business leaders. With these threats to Americans way of life Immigration became restricted in order to stop radicals from entering the country, people became afraid of large amount of Communists coming into America and making it into a communistic government. This created a large amount of Nativism. Because of this large increase in Nativism foreigners became feared and hated and groups like the KKK gained power.

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