Monday, September 24, 2007

Chapter 15, sec.1, Critical Thinking #4

What were the effects of the massive influx of immigrants to the US in the late 1800s?
There were many effects of the massive influx of immigrants to the US in the late 1800s. One effect was idea of Negativism became very large. Negativism was favoritism towards native born Americans and they objected to immigrants, but not immigrants from the "right countries". Like Brittan, Germany, and Scandinavia. Attacks were launched on Catholics, and many Jews were not allowed to attend certain colleges and social groups. (pg.464) Another effect was the Chinese Exclusion act which made it so Chinese people that were not students, merchants, teachers, tourists, or government officials were not allowed to immigrant in the years 1892-1943. (pg.465) Then in San Fransisco schools were segregated for Japanese and other Americans. Japan then became upset with the way its emigrants were being treated and the Gentleman's Agreement came into effect. The agreement made it so Japan limited the number of emigrants and the schools in San Fransisco were unsegregated. (pg. 465)

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